Before independent car dealers were a big thing, people would have to go directly to the manufacture to buy a brand new vehicle, of course if you knew anyone with a used vehicle for sale, that could be a great way to purchase one as well.

But with the automotive industry exploding, and demand for reliable transportation increasing, they created a segment and market for competitively priced used vehicles. That’s where the independent dealership was born.

Now you might be wondering, why does this have anything to do with auto leads, and how do these conversations intersect?

To that I say, much like new car manufactures had been created and the demand for used cars had spawned a new era of car dealer, the demand for more consumers had also increased as well. Thus, auto leads have become an integral part of many dealer operations.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a used car store or a franchise store, if you’re looking to increase revenue or add more to your bottom line every month, finding a good lead vendor is probably a good decision for you. This could be one of the most costly decisions you make outside of floor-planning vehicles, reconditioning those vehicles, or paying the rent at your dealership location.

Finding a reliable source for auto leads is an important part for a Dealerships growth – it doesn’t matter if you’re a franchise car dealer or an independent car dealer.

So how do I find an Auto Lead Provider?

Finding an auto leave provider isn’t all that complicated, but it comes down to two factors. How much they cost, and how long it’ll take to achieve a result.

You could search on Google, or on any social network, and find quite reliable sources for auto leave providers. Of course you could always contact us, as we are the nations top subprime auto lead provider, and traditional prime lead provider.

How do I convert Leads into Sales?

This is an age old question that many have not figured the answers to, unless of course you’re an auto industry professional.

The best way to convert leads into sales is to run every prospect you generate through traditional sales cadences. Following up with your leads in a productive manner, frequently, with a burning desire to help put that customer into a reliable vehicle – this is a great start in separating yourself from your competitors. Which will certainly help convert more leads into actual sales, or sales appointments.

Having the right attitude when dealing with customers is one of the most underrated ideologies behind working leads. It’s best to maintain a position of service when dealing with leads that are provided to you.

What kind of leads are right for me?

Crazy question, but there’s many ways to skin a cat. If you’re working as a sales person inside of a dealership, the more vanilla the lead is, the higher the likelihood is that you’ll be able to convert that lead into a buyer. By vanilla I mean great credit score, great income, great money down, and excellent time on the job.

If you own an independent dealership, and you’re looking for more leads, the best kind of lead for you is one that fits the requirements of the average banks you work with. If you work with mostly subprime lenders, it’s probably best to seek after subprime auto leads. Whereas, if you were a franchise car dealer, it’s probably your primary objective to bring in a well amount of diversified leads. This can mean subprime auto leads, prime auto leads, VIN specific auto leads, and things of that sort.

Auto Leads, Subprime Auto
Leads, & 1st Party Leads for Dealerships.

Discover unparalleled Auto Leads that convert into sales with Arbor Advertising, your partner in driving MEASURABLE traffic and sales for both Independent and Franchise Dealerships.

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